Friday, July 1, 2011

A Day at the Beach

Yesterday was an absolutely gorgeous day.  Another day when I remember why I love Chicago (remind me this when it is January!) so much.  I was a bit spoiled to grow up in Elk Rapids, MI where the water is crystal clear, the beaches are full of sand and there are no floating diapers in the water (eww!).  The Chicago beaches are average and most of the time filthy and over crowded (we recently ranked #6 for worst beaches).  I decided to brave the beaches and try a new one and we are in love!  Foster beach is smaller but cleaner and less populated than the rest and it did its job of entertaining the kids and allowing me to get some much needed sun.  Overall a really good day!

Anderson, Jack and Alyia exploring the water.

Building sandcastles. 

Amelia was content just sitting on the blanket playing with a wipe (who needs toys?).

Future Bay Watch star!

Thinking about going for a swim.

She got bored with the wipe so I gave her a bite of my apple.  Such a GOOD baby!

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