Friday, April 15, 2011

365 Challenge: Day 1


The next two weeks we are going to be living amongst a bit of chaos, as we start packing boxes and gearing up for our big move.  It is not actually that big, as we are only moving three miles from where we are currently living but it is a move nonetheless!

So for my first picture for the 365 challenge I bring you my progress.  This is quite a great accomplishment for me, as we usually wait till the last minute and have zero boxes packed three days before the move.  This time I am going to be more organized and make sure everything is packed and labeled.  As you can see from the photo, I am off to a great start!


  1. ahhhh i'm SO glad we're doing this 365 thing! You are going to look back at this move and be so happy!

  2. I love your blog. Excited for watching this progress with 365!!!
