I have also really started to enjoy cooking! I feel this desire to want to cook super healthy, organic etc. When I cook I feel really happy and it has been a great outlet. I would love to start taking classes or just continue to sort through recipes on my own; thankfully I have a husband and kids who LOVE to eat and are really good eaters when it comes to trying new things.
I started back up classes this past week and I really feel on top of everything that is going on. I have made it a priority this year to stay on top of things going on and have a calendar right next to the computer to make sure I get all that needs to get done during the day.
Speaking of school, I have been doing "school" again with Alyvia and I have really been enjoying this too! I seriously find when I am organized (darn that word again! I told you it was a theme!) and lay stuff out the night before and set out the time we are going to do then it actually gets done and she learns more and we are not impatient with each other.
This is turning into a really long post but I am wide awake! I have found that in the past few days that I function on little sleep!
I will leave you with two cute pictures:
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